Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Diseaseless Program - High Cholesterol Food

As an example of the amount of food daily, if it's appropriate for someone food daily by 2000 the price of, for example, calculated its components as follows: sugars by 50%, or 240 grams, and protein by 15% or 70 grams, and fat by 35%, or 80 grams. A breakdown of the types of fat to it, including what is healthy and what is not including it.

Monounsaturated fats such as olive oil and the oils in nuts, pistachios, etc., must constitute 20% of the daily diet. As many unsaturated fat as oil, corn oil and sunflower oil must constitute 10% of the daily diet.

The saturated fat animal as well as palm oil and coconut oil, it should not exceed taken over 7% of the daily diet, while Trans fats if possible cut completely is the best, which are found in hydrogenated vegetable oils. Added to this, Diseaseless Program by Ken Drew


The importance of eating fiber plant by about 30 grams per day.


Reduce intake of cholesterol, less than 300 milligrams per day.


Reduce salt intake as much as possible.
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Five important tips to heart patients must abide by
Physical activity and diet

Experts say that perseverance on physical activity increases heart rate and oxygen consumption for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, which reduces dramatically the risk of stroke and heart attack and incidence of diabetes as adults.

They stress the need for commitment to a diet high fiber and protein, low-sodium (salt) to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, because the two factors is causing heart disease. And recommend cardiologists many to follow a diet rich in oils health and meat few grease and a lot of fruit and vegetables, food Mediterranean or "diet adjust blood pressure" (DASH). eating fish, reduce weight , and experts are encouraged to frequent eating fish study has found magazine, the American Medical Association that consumption 250 grams per week of fish can reduce the risk of stroke by half. For Further Read About Us by Diseaseless Program

Calls for experts to reduce weight when needed as an increase of 13 kg or more for ideal weight greatly increase the chances of developing heart disease, diabetes and gallbladder problems and arthritis. smoking and examinations are advised Experts stop smoking since quitting leads to a response of coronary and vascular well and relatively quickly, and decreases the risk of heart disease automatically.

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